Hello I am seeking anyone who may have a property they’d like to pawn off on a gullible father , I’m trying to find a place for my two sons and I, we are not homeless but live in a two bedroom apartment and need more space, I don’t care what needs to be done to the property to make it livable, I can do any and everything to get it in shape,
I’m a painter by trade , but I work full time doing maintenance for the village of st Joseph, if you are wondering, no they do not offer any rent incentives so I pay the full rent each month and decided why not try the dice and see if any one out there by chance has something they’d like to see get back to its potential, or would like to see it lived in by a family, really don’t know what I’m hoping for, but something in me said just write, what’s the worst that could happen?? Pretty good movie if I do say so myself, ok good morning, have a great week and cherish the day